Who am I?

Hi, I’m Stefan. I currently live in Madison, Wisconsin.

My full unfiltered laugh sounds like a seal. I consider myself a gentle giant, a spiritual person and an overall curious guy.

I draw to get out of my head. I love simplicity, humor and embracing the imperfections in art and in life.

My art journey in 3 sentences : 

In 2014 I started selling t-shirts and prints via word of mouth and spent the following decade creating and sharing on social media.

I pasted stickers and wheatpastes on walls and would continuously doodle while out and about by myself or with friends.

This led to all sorts of new relationships, painting murals for local businesses, collaborating with other artists, moving to Mexico City, being a part of art shows, selling work online and in person and more and bigger opportunities. 

What am I up to now?

I work part time as a therapist and give people space to help themselves get out of their heads.

I look at my art as a constantly changing process that allows me to make meaning of the world, encourages self-acceptance and gives me a sense of purpose and confidence.


To connect send me an email ➡️ stefanmatiocart@gmail.com